Cinderella Pet Rescue
        P.O. Box 533, Penitas, TX  78576
About UsDogsCatsEquinesBefore & AfterCPR Needs
Adoption ProcessAdoption Foster AppVolunteersVolunteer AppPet HumorPartners

Contact Information


Street Address:

City:                                                                     State:                                    Zip:

Telephone Numbers:    Cell:                                Home:                                   Work:

Email Address:


Are you at least 18 years of age?

During what hours are you available to volunteer?    Mon                                          Tues

Wed                                              Thurs                                                Fri                        

Sat                                                Sun

Are you able to make a commitment of at least 3 months to your volunteer duties?  

If "No", how long can you commit to?

Do you want to volunteer at the shelter or hep in other ways from home?
Areas of Interest

So many volunteer options and yet there are always more. If there is a way you would like to help that wasn’t listed, please share your ideas. 

If you have any special skills, or training, Please let us know (ex. vet tech, photographer, dog trainer):

Double click here to add text.
Double click here to add text.
If you have any former experience in animal welfare or pet care, please list what you did and where:

Animal Experience

Although no prior experience is required to volunteer at CPR, it helps for us to know your background. 

Do you currently have pets? 

 If yes, what kind and how many do you have?

If no current pets, have you had pets in the past? 

If yes, what kind? 

Why would you like to volunteer at Cinderella Pet Rescue?

What Cinderella Pet Rescue asks of our volunteers:

Consistency - Our animals need this and so do we. If you can let us know what your desired volunteer schedule is, we will try to accommodate this.

Dedication - We certainly realize that rescue work can often be unglamorous, thankless, and grueling. Please let the thankful eyes of our animals be a continual reminder of how important out work is. The truth of the matter is that without our dedicated volunteers working together as a team, most of these animals would not be alive! We certainly hope that being part of the Cinderella volunteer family will be a rewarding experience for you.

Reliability -We will be counting on you, so we ask you to give us a minimum of one week notice. If you are unable to complete your specific responsibilities so that we have time to make other arrangements. Please e-mail in advance at or call (956) 391-4399 if you are unable to complete your duties. Otherwise, we will be expecting you, and so will the animals. 


For, and in consideration of, being allowed to be a volunteer to work with animals from and at Cinderella Pet Rescue, I, hereby fully and forever release, discharge, acquit and exonerate Cinderella Pet Rescue, Inc., its volunteers, board members, affiliates, property owners, and all others acting on its behalf (collectively “Cinderella Pet Rescue, Inc.” aka “CPR, Inc.”, “Cinderella”, “Cinderella Pet Rescue” and “CPR”), and all companies with whom CPR associates (PetSmart, Petco, and all others) as the context permits, from any and all claims, actions, cause of action, remedies and complaints of any kind which I have or may in the future have, whether known or unknown, arising out of, or relating to, my volunteer work with Cinderella Pet Rescue, including specifically all claims for personal injury, paralysis, wrongful death, property damage, loss, theft, emotional distress, as well as any and all claims resulting from any illness or injury inflicted by the animals or the result of working with, or being around, the animals.

On behalf of myself and my wards I recognize and accept all risks associated with unpredictable animal behavior. I specifically assume all risks arising out of or relating to the care and handling of the animals. I recognize that Cinderella Pet Rescue, Inc. and its agents, volunteers, and affiliates make no representations whatsoever as to the past history of the animals and whether or not they are safe animals.
 I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Cinderella Pet Rescue, Inc. from any and all claims and costs, Including attorney fees, arising out of, or relating to, the animals and volunteering with Cinderella Pet Rescue.

I agree to read and follow the rules and guidelines of the organization. I understand that as a volunteer I am an important representative of Cinderella Pet Rescue, Inc. and must do my best to represent CPR in a positive manner that is consistent with its articles, by-laws, guidelines and philosophies.

I have read the foregoing and voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions set out above and so indicate by typing my name in the appropriate place below.


[If under 18, Guardian authorization and signature is required. This can be completed in person at orientation.]


Name of person to be contacted:


Telephone number(s):

It It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability.

Thank you for completing this application form and for your interest in volunteering with Cinderella Pet Rescue.

Cinderella Pet Rescue, Inc.
P.O. Box 533
Peñitas, TX  78576
(956) 391-4399

Walking Dogs
Bathe dogs
Clean kennels
Poopy Patrol
Obedience training
Social media
cat cuddling
Clean litter
Sweep floors
Wash dishes
Telephone calls
Grant writing
Animal transport
Show pets
Adoption events
Launder towels
Phone duty
Update website
Foster pets
Organize supplies
Make copies
Craft/Bake sale
Speaking engagements
Facility maintenance